Today, Zambia and Sport In Action (SIA) joins the rest of the world in commemorating…
Sport in Action & Netball Zambia have partnered to deliver a National Rollout of Hub-Sites through the Game Changers Project (CGF).
Sport in Action & Netball Zambia have partnered to deliver a National Rollout of Hub-Sites through the Game Changers Project (CGF).
This week we went for a follow up visit to the Ndola Hub-Site in Chipulukusu Compound.
The original orientation took place in February, and since then the Hub-Site has grown to 8 teams, and over 120 participants and still growing.
Coach Kalonje, The Chipulukusu/Mapalo Hub-Site Coordinator said the following: “The behaviour of the children in the community has improved a lot, even the school teachers and parents have reported an improvement and shown thanks for the delivery of netball activity”
He also mentioned how the hub-site in Chipulukusu has sparked a rise in activity from neighbouring compounds who are also now developing their own hub-sites in Kawama Compound and Chifubu Compound respectively.
The tournament was an excellent showcase of the power of sport and community togetherness and what can be achieved if we pull together. With nine community leaders and coaches coming together to provide consistent activity for the girl child in their community.
The event was supplemented by Drug Enforcement Commission, Youth Changing Mindset Organisation, and Kwatu, each delivering information on relevant health and social issues to the participants.
Coach Patricia, also mentioned the challenge of developing the youth:
“It isn’t every child that is able to afford or manage to go to school, and even those that do, won’t have the chance to use those skills. So for me as a coach, I do what I can through Netball to ensure the young girls attain skills they can use in life, and I try my best to make sure they reach their full potential. Its my passion”
Sport In Action concluded the visit by providing support to the Hub-Site by donating an array of materials and equipment including Netballs, Team Kits/Dresses, Cones, Bibs, Whistles and other as a motivation, and support to enable the continued great work happening here. They have also shared the Coaching Workshop curriculum delivered in Partnership with the Wallace Group and Netball Zambia to support the continued development of the coaches and leaders in Ndola.
Monica Chidila the National Hub-Site Coordinator with Sport in Action summed up the visit to Ndola, saying:
“Wow, its really happening here in Ndola, and we are so proud of them”.
Jack PrestonWallace Group – Project ManagerSport in Action – Sport Development Manager